Posted August 28, 2023 by Senga Grave
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Watchtree Nature Reserve on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.00pm. A presentation on the Annual Accounts and Investments will take place prior to the formal meeting by Dodd & Co. and David Allen. |
AGENDA FOR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1. Apologies: Clive Tinker. 2. Approve minutes of the 17th AGM held on 8th September 2022 3. To receive the Annual Report and Financial report for 2022-23 4. To re-elect Directors (see note 1*) 5. To Appoint the Company Auditors (currently Dodd & Co.) 6. AOB – To receive any other relevant business. Items for any other business should be notified in advance and must be relevant to the business of the AGM. *Note 1: Retiring directors are Nicola Latimer and Richard Speirs. Both Directors are offering themselves for re-election. NB: The Board appoints its own officers: currently Chair and Treasurer. Retiring Directors seeking re-election are re-appointed at the AGM. The Board can co-opt people in an advisory capacity either directly to the Board or to working sub-groups. |
Watchtree Nature Reserve Company Directors Richard Speirs: Chairman; Clive Tinker: Treasurer and Company Secretary; Brian Bowe, Robert Bushby, Nicola Latimer, William Little, Frank Mawby, Alan Roberts Watchtree Nature Reserve Staff Watchtree Manager: Ryan Dobson Watchtree Wheelers Team Leader: Matthew Wind. Visitor Centre Team Leader: Sarah Gibson. Marketing Team Leader: Senga Graves Events Team Leader: Stephanie Norman. Habitat and Estates Team Leader: David Hall. Education Team Leader: Leanne Fisher Visitor Centre Assistant Team Leader: Christine Oliver. Visitors Centre Assistants: Karen Watson, Onyanee Saengnoi Downie, Eleanor Roberts, Patricia Arnold, Billy Little, Hannah Wright, Sophie Ndah Watchtree Wheelers Assistants: Wendy Loveday, Caleb Leonard-Wind, Christopher Patterson, David Wise, Harry Brown Education Assistant: Alison Dobson |